Thursday, June 10, 2010

10 Things You Probably Don't Know...

about me.

1.I'm not the best with directions.

1. I am constantly lost and have no sense of direction.

I'm telling the truth. According to my husband I was "born without bearings". I'm quite convinced that if you blindfolded me, and placed me somewhere even in the town I live in, I might struggle to find my way back home. Lets just say Brady and I are a match-made-in-heaven in this regard since he could probably one-up-rand-mc-nally-himself. Just sayin.

2. I am right handed, however I usually eat left handed.

3. I am always hot, I will someday do the polar bear plunge to prove my point.

4. I read magazines back to front. Always have.

When reading a good novel I usually flip to the back and read the last few chapters because I can't wait to find out how it will end. Talk about ruining the suspense!

5. According to my husband, I laugh and talk in my sleep often.

6. I sported a "bullet" (mullet/bowlcut) as a child. Thanks Mom.

7. I have a nervous habbit.

I don't particularly like talking in large groups of people and when I do I often times do this hand-to-face guesture subconsciously.

8. When I get to laughing really hard, especially around my family, my laugh sounds like Farkus off the Christmas Story. It gets my family everytime.

9. I can't eat cereal without smacking like a kid with a lollipop.

10. I prefer to listen to my music at the loudest decible I can physically stand.

Literally, a good song comes on, I turn it up to the point of pain and then back down one notch...perfect. When jamming to music in my car, I dance like no one is watching - J Lo ain't got nothin on me ;)

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