Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Adventures

I'm learning to flourish outside of my comfort zone.

And, oh, does it feel great.

God has laid it on my heart to take on some new adventures in my life and I am already loving each and every one of them.

Adventure #1 - teaching first grade Sunday School

We had our kick-off last Sunday and my heart was giddy to meet those littles and teach them about the amazing love of our God. I'm pretty sure they had the same giddy hearts as they can't wait to learn. Children of all ages are such an amazing gift of God. I'm sure they will probably teach me more than I can ever teach them, the faith of a child is beautiful.

Adventure #2 - being a counselor/helper with GEMS group

For those of you who don't know, GEMS stands for Girls Everywhere Meeting the Savior and is an all girls church group. GEMS includes girls in 4th through 8th grade. I will be helping with 6th grade. We also had our kick off for this last week and even though it "rained on our parade" (literally, NOT figuratively) we had an awesome kick off that was a huge success. I am looking forward to getting to know these beautiful girls and walking beside them in their life and walk of faith.

Adventure #3 - Brady has joined the praise team at our church

I am so proud to be married to such a talented man of God willing to use the gifts God has given him.

Adventure #4 - Another year of Firm Foundation Couples Group

Last year was our first year joining this group and it went very well. We are excited to get going again this year. We had our kick off Sunday and have chosen to do the DVD series "Love & Respect" by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs. We meet once a month for bible study and also meet once a month for a fun activity. It is so great to be a part of a caring church group as we can all relate to each other and pray for each other's marriages and lives.

I Corinthians 12: 4-6
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men"

1 comment:

  1. Glad things are going well over there! and once again, So excited for you guys and your little one :) Can I tell you something really random: Ben and I are actually doing that EXACT SAME Marriage DVD series with our small group. We are about 5 lessons in and it is AWESOME. It brings up such great points about relationship dynamics and communication. We love it and we have learned a TON through it! You guys will enjoy it too for SURE. Let me know what you think once you get started! It gets better and better the further into the series you get. Thats all for now! Have a great week!
