Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy April 15!

It's finally here! Tax season is officially over and the party is tonite, complete with our favorite - Archie's peppered steaks. My mouth is already watering! April 15 means having my husband around a lot more which always make me glad. I'm very proud of him and how hard he works, but we love to relax and have fun once it's all over.

With the warm weather and sunshine came the idea to plant a new Juniper pompom bush in the front. We had ripped out a couple old dead bushes last fall and this fills that area in nicely. It still looks sort of bare in the front but once the other bushes grow back it will be perfect.

Enjoy the beautiful sunshine and spring weather.


  1. Hope you guys have a fun night relaxing and celebrating the END of tax season. I miss the after tax parties with everyone but not the tax season! Enjoy your summer together- Kansas

  2. Thanks :) It's always good to see April 15 that's for sure. Enjoy your summer as well.
