Friday, March 2, 2012

{Day 19}

of media fast.

I don't miss facebook, at all. I texted Laura the day and informed her I'm quite certain I'm going to d/c it completely after this media fast is over.

The flip side of that coin is that my heart is aching to catch up on all the blogs I do follow. I did not realize just how much support/insight/relatability I find in those other women's entries. While I do not know all of the women personally I feel like I do "know" them because of the beautiful and real way they share themselves via writing. The blog world is awesome like that.

Strange, but awesome.

Sometimes in life communcation is difficult for me. The thoughts/ideas that are in my head don't exactly come out of my mouth as I wish they would. But oh when I sit down and write, clarity shines through. Writing provides such therapy to my soul. Often times after I'm done writing I'm suprised at what I learned by just letting my heart speak. It allows me to share some of the deepest parts of my soul. It still amazes me that anyone takes the time to read what I have to write on my little corner of this blog world, but if you do thankyou from the bottom of my heart. It is very generous of you to take time to stop here.

Now I have a request for you. Will your take the time and leave me a comment to let me know what keeps you coming back here to read? Encouragement? Humor? Don't be can be honest, my feelings aren't easily hurt and if you come here daily to remind yourself you have things together way more than me I'm fine with that :)

Now go ahead and click on that little comment button and leave me your two cents.


  1. Tina-
    While I myself am not a blogger, I follow yours simply to be encouraged as a mom, who doesn't have it all together (although I hate to admit that,) to be reminded that its okay I don't have it all together and to help myself re-focus on what God strives for us as mother's raising our children today. I love your brutal honesty. Thanks for the encouragement I recieve through your blog.


  2. Hey Tina- I check your blog a few times a week, I really just like to see whats going on with you and your boys:) Take care maybe we will see you in a few weeks!

  3. I come by because you're awesome! I love your honesty and your sense of humor. You make me laugh and cry... and appreciate my precious time with my phone and facebook. :0) It's fun to watch your little one grow and hear confessions of a "real" mom.... who is a fabulous one at that.

    1. Judy, you're amazing. I can't WAIT to check in on your blog. FIVE DAYS! I can hardly wait. Thanks for letting me know that I make you laugh and cry. I've done the same thing reading your posts. Cheers to blogging friend :)

  4. Not only do I enjoy the "big" moments in life that you have written about but I simply like to come to see the little everyday moments too and to just be able to see pictures of Gavin too because unfortunately I don't get to see you guys as often as I'd like!

  5. 5 brave souls...that's what I consider all of you. Thank you for sharing your heart. I am delighted to hear that some of you find encouragement, some humor, and some just love checking in on every day things. I love the quote regarding not overlooking the 'little things' in life because some day you will look back and realize they were actually the big things. One reason to start a blog if you haven't already. Anyone can do it. I never really considered myself a "writer" and still don't but I love sharing my heart (and pictures)You never know who you will reach through sharing.
