Monday, April 2, 2012


formula & bottles.

it's official. gavin is 100% weaned from his baa-baa and is on all whole milk at 13 months old.

the coversation yesterday went something like this

tina - i need to do this now while i'm feeling strong and not like i'm going to cry boxing up the ten dr brown bottles we've never been without for the past almost thirteen months

brady - seriously? just remember how much of a pain they were to hand wash and then be thankful

tina - good point. good bye pain-in-the-butt-to-wash-bottles. i wish i could say i won't miss you but i'd be lying.

now we are on to big boy sippy's and real milk. does this mean the little is no longer technically a baby? excuse me while i go hunt (harder than i ever have) for that elusive pause button. it has to be around here somewhere...


  1. way to go! The thought of never washing those darn things has me excited... but the idea of being done with them for good, not so much. What a big boy you have!

  2. as if weaning him from his bottle didn't make him enough of a big boy he took his first steps last night to me. he was holding on to the end table and i was crouched down by him and held my arms out and he promptly let go of the end table, smiled really big, then took 3 of the most unbalanced steps towards me and then sat down and clapped. i've never been more proud in my life :)
