Thursday, March 25, 2010

Praise God

I am humbled. So humbled. I am amazed God would choose to work through me...simple me. When I wrote about my experience with loosing my first child I thought to myself - okay God I will share this and share your faithfullness and I prayed that it would touch even just one person because then it would be worth sharing. Touch one person - I didn't know the plans God had for all of this. I do know it's touched more than one person and I simply praise God for that. I prayed long and hard and debated whether or not to share this but I am so glad I did.

So many of you writing me say that the story brought tears to your eyes. That is so incredibly touching to me. How meaningful that you cried alongside of me during this loss. I'm realizing that God had big plans for our little peanut, I'm realizing that by looking around. So many of you simply read the blog and that touches me as well. That you would take the time to read about my journey (and it wasn't short).

I hope you all continue to share this with those you know - I hope it touches many more people and helps them to see God's faithfullness and just how great of a God we do serve. So please continue to share my story.

Today I felt joy in my heart. I haven't felt true joy in my heart since February 14,2010. I felt the kind of joy that makes you want to get out of bed in the morning and face the day. I think I felt this joy again because of the outpouring of love, support, prayers, and everything else that's been given to me since sharing this. I felt joy because God is great and His plan is perfect. God has used me to reach others and that puts joy in my heart.

I just want to say thank you to everyone from the bottom of my heart. You will never fully understand what you have done for me and how you've helped me.

All my love,


"The Lord's love never ends. His mercies never stop. They are new every morning" Lamentations 3:22-23

"Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burnden is light" Matthew 11:28-30

1 comment:

  1. Tina
    I cannot even imagine what you have gone through. As a new mom I just cried and cried as I read your story. You and your husband WILL be in our prayers. Just the little bit of time we had under your care in the hospital I knew you were such a sweetie and so beautiful inside and out. I am so sorry for you loss and really admire your boldness to share your story is such a hurting time. Your faith is so strong! Your blog is beautiful and I think if you weren't such a great nurse you could definately be a writer! I hope to check your blog periodically and trust that GOd will hold you close.
    Much love,
    Aubyn Hoegh
