Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bliss & A Beautiful Baby Boy

Rewind back to July 2010.

My sister and her husband are in the process of moving. She calls and said she needed our help to move some boxes from their upstairs to their downstairs. I had my suspicions and gut-instinct that we weren't really going to be moving anything and I remember saying to Brady, I just know they're going to tell us they're pregnant. Maybe it was my Mommy instinct already kicking in since we too were pregnant but hadn't told anyone yet. We went over to "move boxes" but instead were asked to help pick out paint colors for the "office".

Here were the two paint color choices:

Cue the happy tears, laughter, hugs, and "I knew it!" Talk about a hard time to keep a secret that we were also expecting and were only 4 weeks behind them.

Fast Forward to February 23, 2011.

Meet Mr. Carter Severt. 9 lb 3 oz. 22 inches long. Perfect.

Carter, you've scored big time with the Mommy & Daddy God's given you. Your Mommy is not only my sister but one of my best friends. She is so in love with you and has been for the past 9+ months. Your Daddy is quite the guy too, I'm sure there isn't anything he wouldn't do for you his little bud. Your Mommy and I have been blessed to share our pregnancies being due only 4 weeks apart. We compared every little kick, hiccup, movement, and stretch mark and dreamed often of how much you two will mean to eachother. I know you already sort of "met" your cousin last night when I was holding you on my belly and he wouldn't stop kicking stuck out your pouty lip and pulled quite the sad face. Don't worry little guy, your cousin just wanted to say hello (or maybe he was feeling a little "squished")

I love that I get to be your aunt. I'm so excited to see you and our little guy grow up together and be buds. Being an aunt is the best thing in the entire world. I can't wait for sleepovers, campfires, family vacations, and just plain loving on you.

Your uncle Brady couldn't get over how cute you are. He just kept saying it over and over last night. I think the look on his face however says it best; he couldn't be more proud to be your uncle. Hope you like golfing 'cuz he's gonna take you golfing.

Grandpa and Grandma have never looked happier. They've waited to meet you for what feels like "forever". Grandpa already has plans to take you on 4-wheeler rides (when you're bigger of course) and do all sorts of outdoorsy man things with you. Grandma already has plans to rock you for hours on end, read stories to you, and plain spoil-you-rotten.

You are an answer to prayer little one, a gift from God above. Welcome to our family Carter, we couldn't be more in love.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, isn't being an aunt the best thing?! Seeing you guys holding that little baby boy gets me real excited for the arrival of yours! Congrats again, to your family, and I miss you all dearly!
