Wednesday, December 14, 2011

a bone to pick

If you are of child bearing/rearing age chances are that you've been pummeled with this line more than once.

"Breast is best"

Well, my friends and fellow bloggers, here is my line.

"Breast is not always best"

{Cue the "gasping, jaw dropping face some of you might be wearing right now" You may be thinking "She is a nurse, how dare she say that?" }

I say that not only as a nurse but as a fellow Mom.

Like you, I had been pumelled (ie beat to death) with the idea that "breast is best-it is the only way- don't even think about any other options- do not entertain the thought of bottles and certainly don't entertain the thought of the "f" (formula) word.

And what I have to say in response to the above would not be rated PG, so I will keep those thoughts/words to myself.


After Gavin was born I struggled with breastfeeding and did not want to entertain the idea of formula at first. I had a mild postpartum hemorrhage which interuppted the normal flow of breastfeeding in more than one way. I do not share this to "make excuses" rather I share this to enlighten people why breastfeeding isn't always tangible.

Since I lost extra blood my "supply" was minimal. (Sorry if that's TMI, I'm trying to keep this PG) I worked with a lactation consultant (who I have nothing againt, she really went above and beyond for me) who advised me to breastfeed both sides for 20 minutes, then pump for 10-15 minutes, then syringe feed my babe the breastmilk and if need be add minumum amount of formula.

Oh and one minor detail - I was instructed to do this every 2-3 hours.

Newsflash - this took almost 2 hours to complete. This nonsense and chaos lasted 7 days.

7 long days.

In all honesty all I needed to hear was that it was okay to feed my baby formula and that it didn't make me a failure as a Mother. I had been beat over the head with that ridiculous idea for so long and I needed to break free of that. I did end up hearing those glorious words from my doctor who I highly respect. We introduced formula and bottle feeding and Gavin & I both thrived.

So if you're in a similar boat and feeling less than proud- consider me your lifeline.

You do not have to breastfeed to be a great Mom.

Let me repeat that louder;












In talking with fellow Mom's I've found out that breastfeeding certainly is not a cake walk for everyone. Don't get me wrong here, if it works for you and you would have been a dairy cow in another life- I tip my hat to you, good job. But here's the thing - just because it worked for you doesn't mean it's going to work for everyone, and that doesn't make them any less of a great Mom than you.

There, I feel better having that off my chest.

{disclaimer - this blog reflects my personal opinion, and although i have a medical degree and work for very talented doctors, this reflects my opinion alone}

A side note - Gavin's 9 month pictures are back, and I'm convinced he's the cutest baby there ever was. Here is a sneak peek.

1 comment:

  1. Ahh- it didn't work very well for me. I lasted a little longer than 7 days, BUT it consumed my life. I felt like all I was doing was feeding and pumping in between, when I would have rather been spending time with Miss Paisley, rather than a pump!
